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Logan's Fort Newsletter Logan's Fort Foundation, Inc., P.O.B. 1775, Stanford, KY 40484 |
On October 16 the Foundation received its 501-C3 non-profit status from the IRS. We are now in the process of raising matching funds for our ISTEA funding received from the U.S. Department of Transportation for property acquisition. On December 15, 1999, the Foundation will purchase its first piece of property for the Logan's Fort Historic Park. A purchase price has been contracted. We must raise $5,000 before December 14, 1999 and $20,000 before the end of the year for the remaining match of funds.
On November 21, 1999, the local DAR Chapter donated the remaining funds in their project account to the Foundation ($1,591.62). Their interest in historic preservation is unprecedented and the archaeological dig was accomplished with a grant sponsored by them.
The goal of the Foundation is to raise three million dollars for the Logan's Fort Historic Park. This fund raising drive will generate a sizeable amount of money for the reconstruction of Logan's Fort and the building of a museum and visitor center. The visitor center will include a research area that will house copies of the original records of old Lincoln County, one of the three original counties of Kentucky in 1780. It will also house all artifacts now in the possession of the County and any that are donated. The City of Stanford, KY voted to donate the property that they own at the site of Logan's Fort to the Foundation for the public purpose of establishing the Logan's Fort Historic Park. We are thrilled with this offer and are in the process of negotiating the terms of this gift with the City and Kentucky Heritage Council. We are confident that with the Kentucky Heritage Council involved, this property will soon be an integral part of this Historic Park.
Your financial help is needed now for this Foundation to be successful. If the people do not help us now we will be forced to let this project pass into only a memory. Never before in recent history has Logan's Fort come this close to being a reality since it existed during the Indian siege in 1777. Just a few people have carried this project and now it needs the financial support of ALL people. December is the month of giving and the Foundation wishes you will consider making a proud contribution to the Logan's Fort Historic Park Project. If you ever had ancestors in Lincoln County or lived in Lincoln County or live in Lincoln County now, show your pride and give to this worthy project. Help us make December 15, 1999 a great day for Logan's Fort!!
Most sincerely,